I WAS saddened to read of the city council’s plan for the strip of land alongside Foxwell Drive on Northway estate.

The intention is to forge a new road through from the proposed Barton housing project.

I lived at Meaden Hill from the very early 1950s for many years, with my parents and five siblings.

During the 1950s and 60s the strip of land was used extensively by us children for recreation, dog walking and camping in the long, hot summers.

At one time two cricket pitches were nurtured by the kids from the area, as we had been encouraged to be involved with sport from an early age.

The council cut the grass regularly. We had football, rounders, archery, marbles and an unofficial speed cycle track. Many of us learned to ride our first bikes there.

We erected a large bonfire for Guy Fawkes every year and many residents always attended. Good old days? At times, yes.

Our activity on this strip of land looks like it will soon be confined to my memory alongside my mum’s tasty stew, ‘bacon clanger' and mince pies – all homemade of course, but if ever a strip of land deserved town green status then there it is.

ALAN KERRY, Newman Road, Littlemore, Oxford