THIS is a layman’s perception of the declining planet Earth.

By the mining of vast amounts of oil from its source, man is removing the natural insulation that acts as a barrier between the Earth’s molten core and its outer crust.

Over a period of 100 years or more, throughout the universe these extractions worldwide will be replaced by only one thing.

Water, which as we all know will always return to the lowest depth, which inadvertently will be to below any existing oil deposits, as oil will rise above water.

Now as we know, the Middle East, where the major oil fields are, are vast areas of barren desert. The simple reason for this is because most of the water has filtered away into the depths of the unknown.

This also brings to the point of the disappearing ice cap and icebergs melting and collapsing into the ocean – the reason why the heat, which was once isolated, is now finding the line of least of resistance through the Earth’s crust.

This is a direct result of man’s involvement in reforming by building vast tracts of concrete motorway and structure all over the globe, which obviously diverts the planets heat resource to permeate via the ocean.

MR LOUCH Bayswater Road Headington