A 49-YEAR-OLD man has gone missing from his home in Cholsey.

John Hammett was last seen by his care worker at his home at Papist Way, Cholsey, at 10am on Saturday.

He is described as white, of heavy build, 5ft 9in tall and with short brown hair.

On the day he went missing he was wearing a black hooded jacket, blue jeans, black lace up shoes and a Walkman with big white headphones.

Insp Paul Powell said: “We are very keen to locate John as soon as possible as we are concerned for his welfare.

“While John does not pose a major risk to the public, he has a condition which requires medication. We would ask that anyone who thinks they recognise John to get in touch with the police as soon as possible.”

Anyone with any information about Mr Hammett's whereabouts should call police on 101, or the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.