AN event described as Crufts for rats drew dozens of rat enthusiasts from across the UK at the weekend.

About 50 people attended the show, which saw scores of rats judged on their coat colour, playfulness and build.

The annual event, which was organised by rat promotion group the National Fancy Rat Society, took place at King’s Sutton Millennium Hall on Saturday.

Deborah Triff, 47, of Leafield, attended with her nine-year-old daughter Alice.

She said: “There were lots of people there who were very passionate about rats and, like with anything, when you meet people who are so enthusiastic it is infectious.

“We used to own three rats and they are absolutely beautiful pets. They are very sweet and very affectionate.”

Alice said: “I liked seeing all the different rats – they were cute.

Judge Ellie Thurley, from Lichfield in Staffordshire, said: “We hold shows all over the UK and this was to meet our members in Oxfordshire. It was a great gathering, and members like to show their rats off.

“Rats are so sociable and so interactive – they are a fabulous pet, especially for small children.

“If you don’t have room for a cat or dog, rats are the next best thing because they are such intelligent little creatures.”