CHEESE and wine enthusiasts indulged their passion and helped raise money for a primary school’s music department.

Friday night’s cheese and wine masterclass was hosted by food expert and cheese guru Juliet Harbutt.

It raised almost £5,000 for Kingham Primary School, which was hit by the collapse of Harvest Festival organisers Big Wheel Promotions.

The company, which has debts of £1m, owed the school £7,000 for organising the music on the first night of the festival.

Mrs Harbutt said: “It was an amazing night, I couldn’t believe it. People were so generous and it had great atmosphere.”

The event had a speed-dating theme, with people asked to match up cheeses and wines and create dating profiles for their choices.

Tory Bramwell, 39, of Kingham, said: “It was a brilliant evening.

“Three of my four children are at the school, so we were there to support the school but it was great fun as well.

“The money is going directly to a part-time music teacher who runs choirs and does school productions, which is a great extra for the children.”

Christopher Kubale, 63, of Bledington, said: “It was informative and entertaining.

“One learnt a great deal about cheese and wine and Juliet was amazing.

“These are austere times and if you can help raise money and give people pleasure at the same time, I’m all for it.”