What we are receiving at the moment cannot be described as a waste collection service.

Since the wheelie bin system was introduced, the bins are grabbed, dragged to the vehicle, emptied, then left where they fall, often on the road, often with the lid open.

Some weeks ago this is also what happened to my food waste bin.

It was thrown down beside the wheelie bin, and, by the time I returned from work, it was nowhere to be found.

Since then, I have left my food waste on top of the wheelie bin, in the regulation biodegradable bag, and it has been collected – until today, when it was thrown on to the ground and ignored.

The wheelie bin was in the road, and half-full of rainwater.

If I ask for another food bin, I shall, of course, be expected to pay for it, and it will only last as long as the next collection, when it is thrown around and ‘lost’.

If I had a car, I would take all my waste and recycling to the tip, and deduct an appropriate amount from my council tax payment.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how we can achieve the adequate waste collection service we are forced to pay for.

GILLIAN BARTON, Netherton Road, Appleton