OXFORDSHIRE residents are asking not to be written off just yet in the run-up to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Last week the Oxford Mail reported fears that this year’s celebrations would turn out to be a damp squib after a lack of street parties for the Royal Wedding.

Councils in Oxfordshire said they had received just two applications for street parties so far.

But residents have been ringing the Oxford Mail offices to prove they most definitely aren’t royal party poopers.

Barbara Naylor from Risinghurst said: “I am organising an event for the community on the Queen’s birthday, April 21.

“I’m a member of Risinghurst and Sandhills Parish Council and we are hoping to hold a patriotic picnic in the park during the Jubilee weekend in June.

“And then the Headington WI are planning celebrations too. It’s true that people just don’t know their neighbours anymore, so events like this are very important.”

She added: “Please don’t write everyone off this year as not interested.”

In South Hinksey, resident Adrian Porter said his community would also be looking to recreate their royal wedding fever.

He said: “We are definitely planning a party for the Jubilee – everyone had such a great time at the last one.”

In Witney and Carterton, preparations are in full swing for a big celebration. Suggestions in Carterton include a ‘Carterton’s Got Talent’ competition, a contest for the town’s jubilee queen and a 1950s fashion show in a weekend of events. Town councillor Lynn Little said: “From the outset, we decided this was something we wanted absolutely everyone in Carterton to be involved in.

“Everything is starting to properly take shape now.”

The Earl of Wessex launched the Jubliee Fund for Oxfordshire on Wednesday, which aims to raise up to £20m for good causes in the county.