I would like to comment on councillor Gervase Duffield’s pessimistic opinion on the revamp of Abingdon’s shopping precinct (last Wednesday’s Oxford Mail).

It irritates me that a Vale of White Horse councillor can have such a negative attitude to the refurbishment, calling it a disaster.

I have lived in Abingdon for over nine years and in this time I have seen the precinct deteriorate into what is now, a ghost town.

The small choice of shops and the cleanliness of the precinct are appalling and by no means does it make it appealing for tourists visiting the most historic town in England.

It has become a place for teenage children to ride their bikes and litter the area.

I think the revamp is just what Abingdon town needs. It is not necessary to demolish and rebuild the precinct, as surely this will defeat the town’s antiquity.

I am sure that the refurbishments will improve the appearance of the precinct and will make it tempting for shoppers to visit.

I agree with Mr Duffield that Abingdon needs to be able to compete with surrounding towns such as Didcot and Witney but we need to start somewhere and Mr Duffield’s alternative is simply too costly.

BRIAN MUNDY, Cherry Tree Drive, Abingdon