READING the article that Didcot Town Council is discussing a new wave pool and that it is to be high on the priority list for 2012, I feel I must point out other priorities that should be addressed first.

As a regular visitor to Didcot, I have a family living in the town and walk with them to school and the town centre at least two to three times a week.

Surely the first priority must be to keep the town areas clean and tidy.

Dog fouling and overgrown vegetation along the pathways of the new estates is terrible, making walking along them very unpleasant.

Added to this the vast amount of general litter lying around, wherever you look, makes you think you are in a rubbish dump.

I approached the council before the dog fouling and got nowhere with them being unresponsive over this problem.

I am sure it’s not beyond the means of the council’s budget to employ some operatives to walk the areas in question and have a general clean-up to give a better appearance to the town and, most important, to alleviate health and safety concerns.

TERRY WHITE Medlicott Drive Abingdon