A BICESTER man in his 30s was killed when he was hit by a flatbed lorry yesterday.

The accident happened just after 2pm in Middleton Stoney Road, near the new Kingsmere housing estate.

Sgt Scott Silk, the investigating police officer, said he was trying to discover why the victim was in the road.

Paramedics worked to resuscitate the man but he was pronounced dead at the scene. Sgt Silk said: “The man was in the carriageway at the time of the collision. We do not know what he was doing.”

He said there was nothing to suggest suicide and the lorry driver had passed a breathalyser test.

He added: “There is nothing to suggest anything untoward at the moment.”

Gordon Laird, 60, whose house backs on to Middleton Stoney Road, said: “I cross that road regularly with the dog and you feel as if you are taking your life in your hands.

“It is devastating that someone has been killed.”

Peter Underwood, 61, whose house also backs on to the road, said: “I think it was an accident waiting to happen along there. People speed down there all the time.

“But it is very frightening that someone has been killed.”

Anyone with information should contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.