The letter from Douglas Hendrey (ViewPoints, December 21) prompts me to reply, in agreement with him, regarding people not receiving Christmas cards, because they are wrongly addressed and do not include a return address.

This year, and in the past three years, a Christmas card has been delivered to my house, complete with my address and postcode, for a Miss Becky Jones. I have lived here for over 60 years and have never heard of the lady.

Each year I have opened the card hoping for the sender’s address but no, just the message: ‘from June and Paul’.

Last year the card included several family snaps with messages on the reverse but still no address. I saw no point in popping the cards back in the postal system, so unfortunately they were binned.

So please, if there is a Becky Jones out there who possibly did or probably still does live in Honey Lane, Cholsey, I would like you to know that June and Paul have not left you off their Christmas mailing list.

I will keep the card just in case the Oxford Mail turns up trumps and manages to locate you by publishing my letter.

GLADYS SADLER (Mrs, Honey Lane, Cholsey