Sir – Councillor Fooks puts more jobs as her reason to support Sainsbury’s plan to move into Summertown (Report, December 29). What a limited, damaging view of how to promote and improve this valuable shopping area. Does councillor Fooks have any ideas on how to cope with the increase in parking that a fourth supermarket will bring?

Simon Jefferson (Letters, December 29) may like to know that local residents have organised a petition to stop Sainsbury’s acquiring a liquor licence, and made a formal protest to the Licensing Authority on December 30.

We have also opened an online petition at

There are several small retailers who are thriving and providing valuable services but more are needed.

Given the large and diverse community around Summertown, we hope more residents will participate in ensuring we keep this parade of shops as a profitable social asset, not a zone of contest between giants merely fighting for market share.

Frances Kennett, Oxford