Sir – Perhaps someone could write a detailed, nuanced article about Oxford city primary schools. To quote Melinda Tilley’s criticisms (Council calls primary results ‘basically rubbish’), alongside lists of Key Stage 2 figures, undermines the true meaning and purpose of education.

Imagine how discouraged some parents, teachers and children may feel upon reading your article. Every educator knows that children learn at different speeds and in different ways. Many achievements in the growth and development of children cannot be measured quantitatively. Assessment is not an exact science.

Children (and adults) flourish with encouragement. A skilful teacher will respond to his/her students and seek the appropriate means to enable learning. Your article makes no mention of disadvantaged students such as non-native English speakers or children with special needs. Let’s have some articles about achievement (not failure) in schools.

The Government’s adoption of endless testing and targets compromises real teaching and learning. It is time to trust the professionals. And, does Melinda Tilley, who is responsible for school improvement, have a background in teaching or pedagogy?

Helen Beer, Oxford