DAVID Williams (letters, December 12) refers to the proposed redesign of Frideswide Square by saying the: “Tory controlled county council” is “arrogant” because it “fouled it up in the first place”.

Mr Williams has obviously failed to check the facts.

• In 1999 when the first redesign of Frideswide happened, Oxfordshire County Council had no overall political control.

• It was only in November 2001 that the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats set up a coalition.

• It wasn’t until 2005 that the Conservatives assumed full control after an election.

• I did not become a cabinet member at the county council until 2002.

• I was not even a county councillor in 1999.

What is more, staff turnover means that most of the officers involved in the original Frideswide work would long since have left the authority.

Mr Williams needs to focus more on getting his timelines right as opposed to lashing out, for what I presume, are petty and tribal party political reasons.

DAVID ROBERTSON (Cllr), Deputy Leader, Oxfordshire County Council