So R Lee thinks I should know that we are already in the EU (Oxford Mail, November 23).

Not according to the French leader Nicolas Sarkozy, who says the UK is not part of Europe.

In the EU proper you do not need passports to go from one EU country to another, but EU people do need one to visit the UK.

In EU proper decent pensions are paid to pensioners.

R Lee says that energy imports would be 30 per cent less had we joined the Euro, but as I have pointed out previously, our 30 per cent donation gives our products a 30 per cent edge over EU products in the export market – a situation the Italians and the Greeks would envy.

Hitler wanted us to become part of Europe, as the europhiles wish us to. A warning from the past!

P.S. I will agree with R Lee in regard to the EU procurement contracts.

The reason Bombardier company lost the carriage train contract was not the EU but the stupidity of UK ministers in Government.

GLYN LIMMER, Roosevelt Road, Long Hanborough