I SUPPORT fully the Oxford Mail’s stand on CCTVs in taxis (Oxford Mail, November 14).

If spying in the cab is allowed, this likens Oxford City Council to the former Stasi in East Germany, recording and listening to passengers’ conversations.

Conversations will only be accessed if the police or council licensing officers request it, we are told.

Now, there’s the rub. Council employees could access the system to gain political advantage over their opponents whether political or business.] And Joe Public might decide to use taxis from outside the city that do not have CCTV in their cabs for the benefit of city council nosey parkers, whose refuse collections cost twice as much per household than West Oxfordshire District Council does.

That’s where their priority should lie, not being voyeurs, watching what people get up to in the back of a taxi.

Perhaps they should be on the sex offenders’ register!

GLYN LIMMER, Roosevelt Road, Long Hanborough