WE NOW know the names of more than half the workers at the Hygienic Laundry at Abingdon.

Gladys Carter, who sent in the picture right, was able to identify six people (Memory Lane, August 29).

Now Alan Mooring, whose parents worked at the laundry in Wilsham Road, has added more names.

He writes: “Both my father and mother worked at the laundry, where they first met. She was not employed there when the picture was taken, but my father is shown on the far right - his name being Stan, not Dan as you reported earlier.

“My mother, Joyce, who is now 93 and whose maiden name was Brewer, recognises many of the workers. She was able to get a job with the help of her aunt Gladys (No 21 in the picture). She remembers that her wages were eight shillings a week.”

Mrs Carter, who has lived in the town all her life and is now a resident at Mayott House care home in Ock Street, worked as a packer and was paid twopence halfpenny an hour (about 1p).

She recalled: “It was jolly hard work. You had to keep going – the manager was watching you all the time.”

The laundry handled washing from Abingdon families as well as the military bases in the area.