In REPLY to R. Lee (Oxford Mail, November 1), I’m surprised nobody has written in suggesting he live in Iran.

That, after all, used to be the call to anyone slightly Socialist in outlook, though back then one was told to ‘go live in Russia’!

Regards the obvious removal of Press TV, for the reasons Mr Lee stated, one could argue what if this happened in Iran, western media would be up in arms.

While I have issues with George Galloway, his oratory is excellent and he is rarely matched, let alone beaten. Even his adversaries admit this. Watch him in rare Question Time appearances. He is usually spot on, especially regards Middle Eastern politics and as a fighter for peace and justice.

The same letter referred to a “conspiracy” over the establishment’s attack on Press TV but obviously didn’t know Julian Assange released a cable through Wikileaks that stated the US and UK governments want Press TV off air.

I watch Press TV and occasionally Murdoch’s disgusting Fox news. Despite its rabid, pro-war, pro-banker, pro-finance, anti-workers stance, I wouldn’t want it banned.

They lie about Occupy Wall Street demonstrators causing trouble and violence. These people are very much peaceful and Fox News can’t accept this.

In a world where people are bombed, murdered, starved and tortured, often deliberately by Western governments, any TV station that takes the other view will not be tolerated!

While people like Mr Lee can see this for what it is, it’s unfortunate that many others continue to fall for lies, propaganda and for some inexplicable reason, continue to support an establishment that continuingly robs them and puts them down.

But then, our fantastic, free, unbiased media make sure of that, don’t they?

TIM SIRET, Millmoor Crescent, Eynsham