Sir – The visual impact of electricity pylons in any landscape is never neutral. Their imposition can only disfigure any view.

Throughout the country redundant power lines have been, and continue to be, removed. They are re-routed along newer lines or even underground in some cases.

The particular line I feel should be removed which has been in existence since the 1930s, runs from Steventon and just south of Marcham on to Frilford, Fyfield and along the River Thames at Appleton Lower Common and on to Appleton village across the A420, over by Youlbury Woods.

They pass Hinksey golf course, and then near South Hinksey, along Hinksey Stream, finally to Osney. This line is about 17 miles from Steventon to Osney, while a more direct route is about eight miles.

Using existing or more modern infrastructure or even putting the line underground would improve the countryside here. Who would object? Certainly not the villagers where the pylons are. Surely any attempt to restore the rural aspect of these affected areas can only be applauded.

If enough people contact their parish and local councils, MPs and Council to Protect Rural England, etc, the National Grid would have to listen and justify why this line cannot be taken down as they have been in other parts of the country.

David Parrott, Freeland