I AM writing to take to task a statement in the latest contribution to your columns from Glyn Limmer, in which he claims that the three main UK political parties are Stalinist.

Now you can potentially level all sorts of criticisms against my party and the other two, but comparisons with Stalin are ludicrous.

Stalin was a paranoid dictator who was responsible directly or otherwise for the deaths of somewhere between 30 and 50 million people.

UK political parties have been responsible for many things, but never that.

On a related point, many people get very steamed up over “human rights” and blame the EU for anything they see as adverse or perverse in that respect.

This is absolutely nothing to do with the EU and results from the activities of a completely separate set of institutions and legislative acts that have variously come into being after the Second World War, mainly with the aim of preventing the revisitation of the latter on the European population.

It might be worth some of these moaning minnies reflecting on the fact that one way or the other we have now had a longer period of peace in Europe that at any time since the collapse of the Roman Empire in the fifth century and that niggles about not being able to deport what, on the face of it, are clear undesirables, is a small price to pay for that.

Cllr BOB JOHNSTON, Lib Dem Councillor, Radley Ward, Vale of White Horse District Council