THIS Coalition Government, isn’t good at all for any of us.

All they seem to do is waste money. If they are not paying out for disasters, then they are throwing good money into fighting wars, such as Libya and Afghanistan.

And to top it all, the International Monetary Fund wants more and more from Britain to bail out these countries going bust with the Euro.

But if things don’t get better, then after this five years is up and another election comes round, no one will want to inherit what this lot has got us into unless, of course, there’s a loony party out there.

But we have to get to a stage where we say enough is enough, and put Britain first.

Otherwise we will be in debt for years to come.

Your grandchildren’s own children could still be paying off the debt we are in.

We really need to get out of the EU and stop being dictated to and put Britain first.

And Cameron, the Great part of Britain went to the EU.

If you want it back, then we have to get out of it.

Give us a referendum and let the people decide what’s best.

P. HOWARD Brome Place Barton Estate Headington