WITH regard to Kenneth Mitchell’s letter (Oxford Mail, October 25) speaking out in favour of state’s censorship of the media.

From what I understand from his letter, state-run TV channels are bad, unless of course it’s the BBC.

Women wearing clothes which respect their religion is bad, unless of course it’s a nun wearing a habit.

Listening to George Galloway is bad despite the fact he has constantly been proved right on the subject of Iraq, Palestine and the Middle East in general.

When it comes to women’s rights in Iran, women make up more than 60 per cent of Iranian university students, with some fields in science and engineering having more than 70 per cent.

According to a Unesco world survey, Iran has the highest female to male ratio at primary level of enrolment in the world among sovereign nations.

Attending university in Iran is still free, by the way.

Press TV provides an excellent and full coverage of what’s happening in the Middle East and in North Africa and not in a particularly biased way, which probably explains why it has to go.

R LEE (Mr), Burford Road, Witney