Who's running the shop? Rebellion is rife across the world and now it appears it has come to Oxford.

Gaddafi has been overthrown, Egypt has toppled its despot and now it seems even our own dictators in the City Chambers are being subjected to the will of the people.

I can’t help but feel that tension is still in the air over governments being told, by the people who put them in power, enough is enough. Look at London today and you will see peaceful demonstrations outside the capital’s most famous church and ask yourself “why?”

I have just read an article in the paper that the Northern Gateway project has been officially declared “legal”. Was it ever “illegal”? But there are action groups across the city campaigning against different things from highways to mega–structures the councils have imposed on them and we, the taxpayer, are having to spend vast amounts of money to defend the council’s actions, knowing full well it is wrong but still it persists in forging ahead.

Like all “actions” there are “reactions” and I was led to believe that was what “due process” was all about. But sadly the councils in their wisdom has failed to realise “if you kick a dog too often it will turn round and bite you” and so it appears to be now not just one dog but a whole pack of them.

If it was to ask us what we want, or don’t want, it would at least give us the courtesy of listening to our objections and think again before it imposed its master’s wishes on we, the humble masses. Then there would be money to spend on things like libraries, young carers’ groups or even help defend the rights of those suffering from dementia, so close to one member’s heart.

WILLIAM CLARK, Pegasus Road, Blackbird Leys, Oxford