PEOPLE in west Oxfordshire are one click away from accessing contact details for their local police team, details of crime in the area and top policing priorities. is a new Thames Valley Police website unique to the west of the county which provides up-to-date information about neighbourhood policing.

It is part of a drive to return to the old idea of everyone knowing the name of their local 'bobby' in a bid to raise the profile of the police and address community concerns.

The site includes a photograph of each officer as well as a personal e-mail address.

Chief Insp Dennis Evernden, local area commander for West Oxfordshire, said: "Fifty-seven per cent of people in West Oxfordshire know their local officer.

"We are doing a good job and this is a way of taking it to another level."

The initiative is part of the Neighbourhood Management Programme which involves officers working closely with the community to try and resolve problems.

Chief Insp Evernden said the website could be developed for other areas of the police force, as well as regional and national forces.

He added: "To my knowledge we are the first in the country to provide this kind of service and we have already had enquiries and interest from other areas."

Other features on the site include a monthly update on neighbourhood policing, press releases about crime on a daily basis and links to community websites.

Advertising on the page is also hoped to bring in revenue for the force which could then be used to fund new police community support officers.

The idea has been backed by Witney MP David Cameron, who said it was essential for communities across the country to know their local police officer.

He said: "This website will help those who use the internet find this information, although it shouldn't replace public engagement and uniformed patrols that provide visible reassurance to communities."