HERE we go again with news that another 3,000 people will lose their jobs at the BAE defence industry.

All these people are highly-skilled workers.

I wonder will anybody be working by the end of this first five years of the coalition Government.

Can you even imagine what it’s costing this country to have well over two million on the dole?

Prime Minister David Cameron keeps on about getting people back to work, but that’s a load of hogwash.

He most likely thinks it sounds good with the electorate, but it doesn’t.

We are not as stupid as he thinks we are. But we are the people who are now having to put up with the soaring cost of living and getting into debt.

I wonder how many people who have lost their jobs voted for this lot.

They had trust in Conservative or Liberal Democrats and yet their Government has sold them down the river.

But I’ve always said don’t trust a politician – they are all the same.

P HOWARD, Brome Place, Barton Estate, Headington