BRITISH Olympic hopeful J.J Jegede took a not-so-Mini jump by the River Thames yesterday.

The 2011 English long jump champion leapt more than six metres across the roofs of three Cowley-built Minis.

Mr Jegede said: “When you watch athletics on TV it’s hard to really understand just how far professional athletes can jump.

“I’ve always wanted to demonstrate my ability in a fun way, so I jumped at the chance to perform an Evel Knievel-style display.”

The stunt took place at Potter’s Field in London to launch the new London 2012 Mini.

The model will come in Union Jack colours and feature the Olympic logo on the roof and the London skyline etched on the dashboard.

There will be just 2,012 made in the run-up to next summer.

He added: “It is my ultimate dream to compete at London 2012.

“I spend much of my spare time working with young people to get them involved in sport too, but I certainly advise any budding athletes not to try this one at home.”

A successful jump in optimum conditions for a world-class athlete is considered to be up to eight metres.