HEADINGTON – Park or Bust? So, Oxford councillors have offered to carry residents’ shopping to their homes.

We add our votes to those of many Headington residents in favour of not selling-off to Brookes or disturbing the council-owned 128-bay car park serving Waitrose, the Co-operative, the post office, the library and the other local facilities.

Our typical weekly shopping load occupies seven bags and weighs 20 kilogrammes.

It is not feasible to cart this on foot, bicycle or buses – and taxis are too expensive in both money and time.

If parking is further discouraged by our elected representatives, we will drive six times the distance to out-of-town shops, greatly increasing pollution, noise and gridlock.

This will close Waitrose and deplete many businesses in Headington.

Just how many more charity shops can London Road actually tolerate?

We have carefully considered and rejected home delivery, shopping daily, illegally parking and other methods as impractical, which would all add to pollution and to our costs.

The Oxford parking department should tell residents how many cars use that park in a week (in October 2011) and direct them all to alternative nearby parking places.

Who are the councillors and officers pushing for this unintelligent proposal and what are their true interests in it?

Noel and Pauline Hodson Brookside Headington Oxford