A CHILDREN’S lantern procession will again form the centrepiece of Oxford’s Christmas Night of Lights.

Plans are being drawn up to involve city schools, with local artists to help pupils create puppet style lanterns on a theme of The 12 Days of Christmas.

Christmas Light Night, on Friday, December 2, will have activities at many cultural venues.

The Ashmolean Museum, the Bodleian Library, Oxford Playhouse, Oxford Castle, the Town Hall, the Old Fire Station the Museum of the History of Science and the O3 Gallery will take part.

The lights night has become an annual event in the city centre, incorporating the traditional switch-on of the lights with a programme of art, music and dance.

The event is organised by cultural development agency Oxford Inspires, with Oxford City Council. Other partners include Oxford University, Oxford Castle and the Ark-T Centre.

Mini Plant Oxford is to sponsor the children’s lantern procession, when youngsters will carry their home-made lanterns.

Dr Jurgen Hedrich, managing director of Mini Plant, said Mini staff would also be helping out.

He said: “We are looking forward to building upon the hands-on work that our engineers undertook last year, working with participating schools to help children build their lanterns.”

Last year, more than 200 primary children led the parade.