I have just returned from Spain, where I attended a protest organised by CAS and PACMA in Tordesillas, Valladolid.

The protest took place two days before the 500-year-old bloody fiesta where a bull is tortured – this year the bull was named Afligido.

Hundreds of men on foot or on horse chased this poor creature into a field where they threw huge lances, knives and other piercing objects at him until the poor creature collapsed in agony.

As he lay dying with blood pouring from him, his tail and testicles were cut off and offered as a “trophy”.

This brutality has been declared to be of interest to tourists and is also carried out by representatives of the Roman Catholic church, including priests, who sometimes participate in these acts of unspeakable cruelty to one of God’s creatures.

All this is in “honour” of the Virgen de la Peña (Virgin Mary). This barbaric orgy of recreational violence is carried out every year.

Unfortunately, this is one of countless medieval events in Spain where animals are sadistically tortured to death under the guise of “culture” and “religion”.

As Spain is in the EU it should surely be brought in line with other European countries regarding its treatment of animals and animal welfare in general.

SHARON HOPKINS, Templar Road, Oxford