FEW can not have been aware of the protracted struggle to prevent the Spanish waste giant WRG from building a waste facility in the Oxfordshire countryside. Despite losing the battle for planning permission on two occasions, it persists in throwing its weight around.

Less than 48 hours after losing the latest battle to build a gigantic MBT plant, WRG informed residents it intends to apply for planning permission for an anaerobic digester utilising maize.

This relentless bullying of the population by big business appears to know no bounds. The plan to import maize, instead of waste, from other areas seems hardly an improvement. Clearly if there is insufficient area within the site to grow the quantities of maize needed, then surely the disadvantages of importing extra negate the benefits to be achieved by the initial proposal.

Moreover, no mention is made of the hazardous excess liquid that will result. Are we to be subjected, as was mentioned in the first proposal, to huge quantities of this material festering in pits buried next to the river?

We were promised this site would be returned to countryside. This promise needs to be honoured and neither the population or its representatives should tolerate this level of bullying by WRG.

PAULINE OSBORNE, Chapel Lane, Sutton Courtenay