In their first match of the season, skilful passing and strong support play led the Summertown Supernovae to a 4–0 victory over a competitive St Edmunds side in Oxford Mail’s U9 Green League.

After a double-digit romp in their season opener last week, St Edmunds hoped to continue their scoring frenzy when they hosted the Summertown Supernovae on Saturday afternoon. The Supernovae, however, managed to hold possession for most of the match and eventually overcame St Edmunds in a surprising four-goal shut out.

The opening whistle signalled a wonderful start for boys’ football. Both sides were putting together some great combination passing and were working hard to close down the ball against fierce attack. The Supernovae had more success in keeping the ball in the opposition’s half, but their efforts on target were thwarted by some brilliant goalkeeping. St Edmunds also had some deft-footed attackers, but Summertown's defence held their line magnificently. Despite several promising chances for both sides, it was still 0–0 after the first fifteen minutes of play.

Although the first half ended in a stalemate, Summertown opened the second half with a compelling attack. Summertown broke into the penalty area and slotted one in for the first goal of the match. A few minutes later, they slipped through defenders and found the back of the net again. Some skilful touch passing from Summertown's midfield eventually led to a third goal.

St Edmunds nevertheless remained undeterred by these events and countered with three deadly opportunities from close range that would have bewildered many a young goalkeeper, but not Summertown’s no. 1, who bravely redirected two efforts and leaped off his line to smother a third.

Despite these counterattacks, the Supernovae managed to add to their lead just before the final whistle, when Summertown broke through midfield on a run and punched in one more. Ultimately, it was Summertown’s possession play and touch passing that put the game beyond reach. Summertown Supernovae 4. St Edmunds 0.

In the second game, St Edmunds and Summertown battled it out again very evenly in the first half. Both sides had plenty of opportunities as possession went evenly back and forth, but neither side could find a decent chance until finally St Edmunds worked their way through the Summertown defence and earned a penalty after an unintentional foul in the box. Despite a solid hit from the penalty mark, Summertown’s goalkeeper refused to flinch, keeping St Edmunds off the score sheet. A few minutes later, however, a St Edmunds strike bounced off the turf unpredictably and crossed the line for the first goal of the second match. At the halfway mark, it was 1–0.

In the second half, St Edmunds could easily have added to their lead, but Summertown’s defence held off the onslaught with some resolute tackling and excellent support play. The midfield also contributed to the Summertown side with their unrelenting pace and their ability to control several through passes. But in the end, it was a Summertown forward who, after several shots on target, dialled up an equaliser in the final minutes of the match to secure a 1–1 draw with a strong St Edmunds side.

Most importantly, fair play goes out to both sides, who represented their teams in fabulous fashion by playing with courage, respect, and above all, by having fun on the pitch. In an age where over-zealous parents, coaches, and supporters all too often tarnish the touchlines with ridiculous displays of fist-shaking antics, on this sunny September afternoon, St Edmunds and Summertown proved that boys football is still alive and well, and this of course is the only match result that matters.