A DAMNING city council assessment of plans to build flats on Oxford’s St Clement’s car park has been seized on by opponents of the scheme.

Senior planner Steven Roberts told developers in the summer that the designs were judged to be of poor quality while buildings appeared “bulky and visually overbearing”.

The scheme on city council land, which could bring in £5m for the local authority, was subsequently modified by developers.

The revised plan to construct accommodation for 140 students and to downsize St Clement’s car park goes to the West Area Planning Committee on Wednesday.

Council officers are now recommending that councillors approve it , despite objections from neighbours who say it will damage the neighbourhood with the loss of car parking hitting traders in St Clement’s, Cowley Road and High Street.

Opponents of the scheme say a letter, obtained using Freedom of Information legislation, reveals the extent of council concerns about what is being proposed.

Mr Roberts tells the developers: “The buildings remain tall, up to three storeys taller than those fronting St Clement’s and at Alan Bullock Close, whilst the design is of poor quality.”

He points out that the buildings would be visible both from South Park and the nearby Angel and Greyhound Meadow.

He adds: “Having assessed the proposals we remain concerned that the architectural approach is such that the buildings will appear bulky, visually overbearing and ultimately of a poor design quality contrary to Local Plan policy.”

The plans were later revised, however officers did not think that the changes were significant enough to warrant a fresh planning application or further consultation.

Sietske Boeles, one of the campaigners against the scheme, said: “The letter from the council’s St Clement’s case officer rubbishes the scheme. He then gives the developers two weeks to come up with amendments.

“Yet...senior planning officers said that these changes were not substantial and there was no need for further consultation.”

Restaurateur Clinton Pugh said the changes actually made some of the buildings three metres higher. He said: “It seems the council is just determined to push this through.”

The proposals from developer Watkin Jones Group for three student blocks on stilts are being fought by traders, who fear the loss of car parking spaces will put them out of business.

The £8m plan would see the number of parking spaces cut from 112 to 74. But the officer’s report said a survey at the end of 2010 showed the car park had “an average of 58 spare capacity”.

Oxford City Council spokesman Louisa Dean said: “Officers wrote to express outstanding concerns over the design.

“The applicant submitted some amended plans and these went out for further public consultation. Officers have now recommended approval of the development because, on balance, the development is acceptable.”

l Councillors last night approved in principle a car park to be used during building work at St Clem- ent’s, should the flats go ahead.

Traders argued the car park, at Harcourt House in Marston Road, was an inadequate replacement and too far from St Clement’s.

Residents said it was a potentially unsafe area and would increase traffic problems.

But councillor Gill Sanders said: “Whilst it might not be the ideal place to park...I don’t see an alternative.”