After a year’s wait, the £1.3m revamped Didcot Civic Hall is set to reopen its doors.

There will be an open weekend on Saturday, September 17, and Sunday, September 18, and the council wants people to come and visit and see the changes made.

One of the most eye-catching features of the refurbishment is an extension with an entrance off Broadway to make the hall more visible.

Mayor Phil Hayward said he thought contractors had done “an exceptional job”, and added: “After 25 years it was about time the civic hall got refurbished.

“The old entrance was hidden away, it was almost like a secret entrance, and the new way in from the Broadway, will bring in more people.

“The new civic hall will be a real asset for Didcot.”

The centre, which is used by community groups from Didcot and the surrounding area, will also have a new foyer, featuring the reception area and information centre; a larger bar and kitchen to cater for functions; and a new stage and floor in the main hall.

The building in Britwell Road closed in July last year, but work did not start until January. Town council leaders under the previous Tory administration delayed signing the contract with construction firm Mansell in a bid to save about £30,000.

Labour councillor Margaret Davies, who took over as town council leader in May, said there will be an “overspend” on the contract once work is completed.

She said: “The final figure has not yet been resolved and negotations with Mansell are still taking place.

“I think it’s fair to say the overspend will not break the bank.”