A GROUP of teenagers are taking their Olympic-themed business idea nationwide.

The firm Band-It, which was started at Wheatley Park School, produces a series of coloured wristbands, each engraved with one of the Olympic values – respect, excellence, determination, friendship, courage, inspiration and equality.

The aim is for youngsters in primary and secondary schools to collect all seven bands which can then be traded for a single multi-coloured version known as the Unity Band.

Band-It was dreamed up more than two years ago and the team of sixth formers entered it in a special competition, run by the Olympic organising committee Locog to find a business idea promoting the Olympic values.

The team came second out of 1,000 schools nationwide and has been given tickets to the Olympics and Paralympics to offer as prizes to schools collecting all the bands.

Band-It, run by 19-year-olds Henne Patel, Tav Rayat and Lucy Baker, is aiming to roll out the programme to schools across the county with the aim of eventually taking it nationwide in the run-up to the Olympics next year.

The business is being backed by a £2,600 loan from Oxford Business Exchange which backs entrepreneurship in schools.

Henne, who has just finished her A-Levels at Wheatley Park, said: “The idea is to sell batches of 50 bands to schools which students can then collect and swap until they are able to apply to us for a Unity Band.

“All profits from sales will be re-invested into sports facilities in the individual schools and we also want pupils to use the scheme to learn more about the Olympic values.”

Businesses are now being approached to generate sponsorship to give the programme more financial clout.

Anyone interested in contacting Band-It should email info@olympicwrist bands.co.uk or see the website olympicwrist bands.co.uk