I HAVE cycled up and down the Iffley Road at all hours of the day on different bikes.

The only time I have thought that Cycling down the Iffley Road has been sub-par was during the afternoon rush hour coming away from town.

Not only that but the increased difficulty in travelling in this direction on a bike at that time is caused by traffic build up further down the road between Bullingdon Road and Howard Street.

Cycling away from Oxford city centre between The Plain and Bullingdon Road has never been a problem for me.

I think it’s important for the council to put themselves in the shoes of the residents along the stretch of the Iffley Road in question.

There aren’t many parking spaces available currently and the councillors and property developers across the county always seem to forget about residents having more than one car per house out of necessity and, other motorists visiting residents and nearby facilities.

If the council wants to go ahead with ideas like this they need to start addressing parking issues first (the lack of parking and the implementation of alternative parking) – including the loss of parking spaces for shoppers etc... in St Clement’s.

Furthermore, from conversations and pieces of news, car crime or the fear of car crime seems to be increasing (particularly in this economic climate) and so it’s better for residents, motorists and insurance companies if cars are nearer their owners.

Having your car outside your house isn’t a right but a comfort and there’s no need for the residents of Iffley Road who own a car to lose out to a temporary cycle lane that I do not believe will help cycling along the Iffley Road, where help may actually be needed.

STUART HURD Herschel Crescent Littlemore, Oxford