EVERYONE loves a plucky battler, but Sean Feeney’s challenge to Oxford’s core planning strategy could end up costing us all dear.

The masterplan was only completed after five long years of consultations, public inquiries, a High Court challenge and huge expense.

Now, in a David and Goliath struggle, Mr Feeney is taking the issue back to court on the grounds that European environmental laws were not obeyed by the council.

Of course wildlife areas must be protected, and the council says it would demand proper assessments of such sites before any decisions on new developments.

Mr Feeney may be representing himself in this battle but the rest of us will be footing the bill for the hearing and for the lawyers who will be fighting the council’s corner.

As well as costing us money, this fight is costing Oxford time it can ill-afford as it tries to find sites for extra homes that are urgently needed and sites for jobs to maintain the prosperity of the city and surrounding county.