THE High Court decision to allow the Viridor rubbish incinerator at Ardley is condemned by John Tanner as a blot on the landscape for 30 years and will disfigure the Oxfordshire countryside for a generation.

I would ask him to walk east, from Divinity Road, and tell me what on earth is going on with the amount of dust and waste bins in front gardens, on paths, etc.

If this is not a blot on the landscape and a disfiguring of Cowley Road, I don’t know how one could make it worse.

There are new Oxford City Council half-cubic metre bins in the front gardens. How did we manage years ago when there was not a bin in sight except on bin days?

Gardens were covered in flowers. Now its cars and bins.

So before we throw stones, we should get out of the greenhouse.

The incinerator will be far cleaner and less of an eyesore than Cowley Road.

Mind you, the whole of Oxford is blighted with bins in front gardens. People are building sheds in their front gardens to hide them.

Oxford is gradually becoming an extension of Redbridge – a dump!

So come on, Mr Tanner, you’re the board member for a cleaner Oxford.

R Beaufort Hugh Allen Crescent New Marston Oxford