AT present, individuals acquitted of criminal charges are able to claim back reasonable out-of-pocket legal expenses. The previous Government made proposals seeking to remove this established right as a cost-cutting measure. Members of the current Government quite rightly opposed this move during 2009-10 and it was dropped after the General Election.

Unfortunately, tempted by cost-cutting, the Government is reviving the plans, adding questionable restrictions on legal aid.

Prosecutions can cover relatively ordinary matters such as motoring where the authorities are less than perfect. As many as one in five Crown Court cases has been found to be ineffective.

It is quite wrong that the Government should wish to see innocent people out-of-pocket when they have to defend their reputation, particularly those thrifty enough to build savings.

As the Government has just reduced the interest payable on an Irish loan (losing up to £75m a year income), it can't be that desperate. I urge readers to check the Law Society website for more details, and to write to their MP at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.

MARK TAYLOR Campaign Manager New Alliance, PO Box 13199, London SW6 6ZU