AN appeal to expand an in-demand Banbury charity has been given a £10,000 boost.

Banbury Town Council has donated the cash to the town’s citizens’ advice bureau.

The Cornhill-based charity, which helps people with issues including debt, unemployment, benefits and housing, want to renovate an adjoining property to provide extra space for staff to see more people.

A £100,000 appeal was launched last October and has so far raised almost £75,000. The appeal was launched because it has to turn one in four people away as there is no space to hold interviews due to the size of the building.

John Colegrave, the vice chairman of the council’s resources committee, said: “Banbury Town Council is pleased to be able to make a significant contribution to the appeal.

“The CAB provides invaluable advice to the people of Banbury, particularly in the current economic climate and we are delighted to be able to support their expansion which will provide an improved service for our residents.”

Appeal chairman Sir Frank Davies said: “We are very grateful to the town council for their extremely generous donation.

“They have always been a good friend of the Citizens’ Advice Bureau and we appreciate them very much.

“This brings us to approximately three quarters of our target so we still have some way to go.

“Times are hard but that is exactly why our resources are under such pressure.

“We are very grateful to everybody who has supported us already and they should realise how their generosity will help struggling people for years to come.

“It is no exaggeration to say that lives have been turned around by advice and help at the right time.

“If every small business in the district made even a small donation it would make such a difference.”