THE director of a Gaza-based theatre group has thanked East Oxford theatre Pegasus for giving her young members the chance to tell their stories.

A group of young actors from Gaza, Ashtar Theatre flew to Oxford to take part in the Mesh International Youth Arts Festival, organised by Pegasus.

They performed the Gaza Mono-Logues, written about their experiences in the 2008-2009 war, on Friday, and took part in a debate on human rights at the Cowley Mini Plant on Saturday.

They will also join with young theatre groups from all over the world for a grand finale at Oxford Town Hall this Friday at 7pm.

Ashtar director Iman Aoun said: “It is tremendously important, especially because this is the first time the young Gazans are able to leave their country after five years of imprisonment on Gaza.

“It was an urge for them to make the world listen to their stories, that is why they wrote their monologues, and Pegasus gave them an important platform to tell these stories.

“Also it made them feel that they are supported from the world and that other youth in the world care for them. This gave them lots of hope that things might get better in Gaza and Palestine.”

Festival director Yasmin Sidhwa said: “It’s been incredibly emotional for everyone meeting the young people from Gaza who have shared so much of their lives with everyone.”