Sir – Oh my ears and whiskers, what a day it was! As the Story Museum’s chief representative at the Alice event I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part: families large and small (especially those in crowns, mad hats and blue dresses) and the 28 organisations who provided frabjous entertainment in brillig locations, from dancing teapots and Alice ice cream to Cheshire cat balloon-making and Wonderland theatre.

More than 10,000 people enjoyed Alice’s Day, which celebrates the first telling of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland here in Oxford.

And like Alice, it’s getting bigger. Next year is the 150th anniversary of the first telling and the Story Museum, which co-ordinates the day, plans to break all records. So don’t be late for a very important date in 2012 — July 7 and 8. And if more partners would like to come and join the dance, please send a message down the rabbit hole.

White Rabbit, On behalf of The Story Museum, Oxford