LIONS, witches and the magical land of Narnia were brought to life in a walk around Headington.

The stroll on Saturday was part of a series of health walks organised by Oxford City Council to get residents active.

Walk volunteer Mike Stranks, 60, said: “It was a great day, there were 38 of us from toddlers to people in their 70s.

“People seemed to really enjoy it. We just walked around Headington and as we went, I pointed out buildings of items of interest.”

CS Lewis lived in Headington for more than 40 years, during which time he wrote his most famous works, The Chronicles of Narnia.

Mr Stranks said: “He is is very important part of Headington, so the walk was all about weaving together his stories with some points of interest.”

The GO Active health walks are run around the city and aimed at residents who would not normally participate in exercise.

Mr Stranks said most volunteers were just keen walkers while others had been encouraged by doctors to exercise more. Call 01865 252720 or visit