Sir – I have been cycling around Oxford for the best part of 20 years. I have always been a considerate and law-abiding cyclist and have never been involved in any collisions or accidents. Since the roadworks on the Iffley Road began, I have been shocked by the number of cyclists who feel that it is acceptable to cycle on the pavement to bypass the temporary traffic lights.

What is most surprising is that we are not talking about a few kids: I have seen people of all ages and from all backgrounds weaving between pedestrians as they cycle down the narrow pavement. One middle-class, middle-aged gentleman clad in expensive cycling gear instructed me to “f*** off” when I politely suggested he should dismount to avoid endangering pedestrians.

A woman with her daughter in the child’s seat said “Oh shut up — I’m nearly home anyway”.

What is going on here? I would not be the slightest bit surprised to see teenagers tearing down the pavement, but these are otherwise sensible-looking adults, breaking the law and shouting abuse when challenged. This is dangerous, inconsiderate and illegal behaviour — it intimidates pedestrians and brings law-abiding cyclists into disrepute.

Tom Cunliffe, Oxford