May I, through the Oxford Mail, plead with parents to keep their children off building sites?

The old Shotover View at the end of Horspath Road is being dismantled to make way for flats.

As soon as the workmen have gone, the site attracts small children, some as young as five, some still in their smart school uniforms.

Where are the parents, and why don’t they ask where their children have been – with their clothes and shoes filthy?

Several of my neighbours have expressed their concern.

If you tell the children they are doing wrong, the answer is “we can do what we like”.

How long will it be before one of them has a serious injury?

Have other estates had this problem when building work has been going on (such as Rose Hill)?

Of course, they are usually well policed, but we only see a bobby at weekends.

MARY STIFF Corunna Crescent Cowley Oxford