I HAVE serious concerns regarding what the seeming lack of genuine consultation over Oxford’s Barton West development.

The only visible method of consultation on the details of the scheme (the decision for the scheme to go ahead was taken a long time ago) is through a questionnaire, distributed to residents in the immediate area (Barton, Northway, and a part of Headington).

The consultation events that have taken place are misnamed. No views of those attending have been recorded, and, when asked how opinions are being recorded, people have just been told to fill in the questionnaire.

One concern is that the questionnaire is written in a way that many residents will find hard to engage with.

It does not ask simple clear questions, but each question has a long preamble. This preamble goes on to, in effect, direct the person filling in the questionnaire to choose the council’s preferred answer to the question.

The area of most serious concern to me is question number seven, about “open space”.

It asks the recipient to choose between keeping the existing Barton Nature Park, which is “mainly scrub land” or having it built on and replaced by “a park along Bayswater Brook” which could “provide more valuable replacement habitats for plants and wildlife... as well as providing attractive open space”.

This is, in fact, disingenuous. Firstly, the Nature Park is highly valued. It is by an area of very intense housing, hemmed in by the ring road, and is well used by the local community, especially families.

It is not scrub land. There are many mature trees, planted by local school children 25 years ago.

However, most importantly, in reality there is not a choice here.

The city council is not legally allowed to build within eight metres of Bayswater Brook, so there will be open space there if the Nature Park stays or goes.

Even more disingenuous is the sub-question if one answers ‘no’ to the question of the Nature Park being built on.

It goes on to say: “How do you think open space should be provided within the new development?”

Well, they know the answer, as there will be open space by Bayswater Brook.

I wish the council could be honest and open with Oxford residents and show us some respect.

If it was to ask “do you want to keep the Nature Park, or have X number of houses built” that would be a fair question and the answer would have to be respected and taken account of.

The city council clearly does not want to ask this – perhaps because it cannot control the answer.

ALAN FOULKES Copse Lane Oxford