A WITNEY mum has launched an emotional appeal for the return of five rings after losing them when out with her children.

Anat Ron-Kendall, 42, of Blakes Avenue, has spent her adult life collecting the rings, each of which represented a special time in her life.

The rings included her wedding band, rings gifted to her by friends and ones from her childhood in Israel. They are worth about £400.

She took them off to rub sunscreen into her children on The Leys but found they had gone when she returned an hour later.

Now she is putting up posters around the area in a bid to get them returned.

She said: “I have been grieving ever since. It might sound a bit out of proportion, but I have been collecting them for more than 20 years.

“They represented a lot of things I have been through in my life. I had put a lot of emotional connection into them.

“They were not very glamorous rings, but they were artistic and quite unique.”

The mum-of-three said of the June 3 loss: “But I just could not believe how stupid I had been. Normally, if I do anything like that, I put them in bags, but I was very distracted – the kids ran off so I chased after them.”

The housewife said two reminded her of Israel before she moved to the UK 16 years ago.

She said: “It is quite difficult to come and live in a another country – I came here on my own – and they reminded me of Israel.”

Her husband Phil Kendall, 42, sold his guitar to pay for her wedding ring.

She added: “The kids were very attached to the rings as well. They always tried them on, ever since they were toddlers.

“My daughter always fantasised about having them when she was older.”

She added: “I’m not interested in blaming anybody, I just want them back.”

Anyone who has information about the rings should contact police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously 0800 555111.