VILLAGERS took a step back in time with a medieval fair in 1981. Between 30 and 40 village groups set up stalls, there was a variety of entertainment and many people dressed in period costume. In the first picture, Brynley Elias plays an alto cornamuse accompanied by David Still on the spoons.

Emma Houghton, 10, in the second picture, raised £103 – the highest amount – when pupils aged four to 11 held a sponsored swim at the village school fete in 1987. Her sponsors included regulars at the Red Lion pub, run by her dad Ted. A total of £550 was raised for a new video and computer equipment for the school.

The village’s first disco in 1968 attracted 100 children and raised more than £40 for the village’s pre-school playgroup. Organiser Mary Rodger and treasurer Carol Southgate are seen in the third picture with Freya Rodger, Deirdre Rodger and Karina Savage near the jukebox, which provided the music for the event.