Sir – So the county council has re-thought their plans to close 20 libraries. The new proposals at least have the merit of maintaining the existing library network, so that perhaps one day the libraries can be properly staffed by paid library staff, and show that the library service can achieve the desired savings, but still maintain the full network of libraries.

But is there no end to the arrogance of Keith Mitchell? Despite being forced by public opinion into a U-turn, and that is what it is, despite his denials, he still persists in his offensive attitude.

For your information, Mr Mitchell, it is possible to want to preserve this county’s library network and care passionately about the care of elderly and disadvantaged people in Oxfordshire.

Indeed the libraries do much to help disadvantaged groups, with free access to books and computers, and in a county where there are areas of real deprivation these services are a lifeline for many.

The new proposals for the library service future show we don’t have to choose between our dearly loved libraries and care for our elderly and disabled.

His comments about objections coming from people who don’t go near libraries are simply not true: our public libraries are close to the heart of everyone and he messes with them at his peril.

Chris Manning, Oxford