Sir – So much publicity has been focused on the proposed closure of libraries, now apparently reprieved, that the equally savage proposed cut of funding by Oxfordshire County Council for youth services has received scant attention.

But its probable consequences are every bit as severe as the loss of libraries.

In Oxford, without funding, the long-established Wolvercote Young People’s Club will close at the end of August.

Key courses in further education now being offered at the club to help young people gain qualifications and find employment, will be discontinued.

The vital preventative and restorative work undertaken by the skilled and experienced youth workers in and beyond the largely ignored North Oxford council estates in Cutteslowe, Wolvercote, and Templar Road, will cease.

An appeal is under way seeking pledged funding for the next three years: £80,000 would cover staffing and running costs at the club until the summer of 2012.

This would ensure that: the bolt-hole for young people in the area would still be there to help prevent them from engaging in anti-social behaviour or getting into trouble; the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award scheme, and the outreach work in local schools could continue; parents, and young people, would still have someone they trust to turn to when in trouble or distress; co-operation with social services could continue; young people and would feel supported, not abandoned, and able to give something back to the community. So much good work is being done — it would be a short-sighted tragedy for it all to disappear.

If you could help with a donation to keep the club open, please send it to the Treasurer (Will Richards), Wolvercote YPC, St Peter’s Road, Wolvercote, Oxford OX2 8AU (cheques payable to Wolvercote YPC Charitable Trust).

Every single donation will make a difference. It’s a race against time.

Tony Hewlett (Chairman), Rev Dr Mark Butchers (Secretary) Will Richards (Treasurer) Cameo Brown, Sophie Gibbs, Miles Grant, Megan Strong (Club members) Wolvercote Young People’s Club Charitable Trust