Sir – The reprieve for the county’s library service is excellent news, but it would have been even more excellent had the announcement not been accompanied by those sullen remarks from councillor Mitchell about people ranking libraries above care services. Of course they do not.

Most people — certainly in the campaign around Botley library — thought simply that if the libraries were once closed and the premises disposed of we would never get them back, and that they should be fought for. Many also thought this a disproportionate way of finding £2m out of a total of £119m savings over four years, and that, with such a scenario, where there was a will there must surely be a way.

We see little will here, however, only a graceless bowing to events, but of course there must be a way.

If additional cuts are now made in adult or children’s care and the reason laid at the door of the library campaigners, that would be outrageous.

Janet Godden, Oxfordshire county councillor for North Hinksey and Wytham